Friday, July 23, 2010

À tout à l'heure!

So exciting! The French phrase I just wrote above means see you later, prounounced Ah toot ah luhr! (those stupid little french cds in the car are really paying off) I'm off to the beach for a bit. I don't know what I'm more excited about, the non-working part or the beach part. Either way, I'm hoping to get some killer blog posts in the works during my down time. Have a great week everyone!

P.S. Have you seen the August J.Crew catalog yet? How is it possible to get awesomer and awesomer?? I may have made that word up, but anyway, the set couldn't have been more stunning. I think Jenna may have just increased tourism to the Grand Canyon... (I do have to mention there's a page with wedges on it and they actually, for serious, wrote "Wedge of Allegiance". Am I the only person who thinks that's hilarious?)

I just flipped through the whole Grand Canyon section and got to the polished looks. I swear that styling was made to put me in debt.... Anyway, À tout à l'heure!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying the summer, but I love wearing my sweaters(when the weather allows me, of course!. I just think they're fun and stylish. You can not do wrong wearing them.
