Thursday, July 22, 2010

Loving Picture Frames

I feel the need to mention my current obsession with hanging collages of empty photo frames. How brilliant? Seriously, don't tell me you've never agonized over what photos to put in your frames. What a perfect solution! Plus, frames can so beautiful on there on, especially vintage ones. I'm considering giving it a whirl in my bedroom above the bed. I'll let you know how that works out. (P.S. Guarantee the fiance's going to be like why are the empty picture frames above our bed?)

And there's just something about this Lisa Bengtsson wallpaper I just love. Doesn't it look so french apartment chic?


  1. Great post. I've always wanted a wall just like these ones, but I never had a chance and last month I decided it was time. I hope it'll turn out beautifully like the images below.

  2. What an interesting concept! I love the idea of mix and match... I made have to yard sale it up and find some pieces!
