Monday, March 29, 2010

Pample Mousse Design, Inc.

I have found a new idol and her name is Delphine. Perusing the internet for some new interior inspirations, I came across Pample Mousse Design. I was in awe over the amazing interiors this company created, and had to know who was behind them all. Her name is Delphine Krakoff, and if you recognize the last name, you're right. She is Reed Krakoff's wife, the man responsible for all the amazing Coach purses you own. Delphine is so inspirational to me because her background is so inspiring. She grew up in Paris, earned a degree in business, and worked at some of the biggest fashion houses in Paris, like Dior and Louis Vuitton. Delphine also discovered her passion for interior design by accident, as did I. I took a stab in the dark, emailed her, and asked if she'd be interested in doing an interview for my blog. A few days later, here's her inspiring interview:

1. What an amazing background you have! Growing up in Paris and working at some of the biggest fashion houses in the industry must have been amazing. How has your background in the fashion industry translated into your interior designs?

It relates a lot. It's all about what I learned in the fashion industry like color, proportion, and texture. It's directly applicable. From a business perspective, I know how to run my business because I've worked for fashion companies and understand logistics and budgeting and all the skills you need to run a successful business.

2. If we took a peek in your closet, what would we find?

Well, I'm French, so my friends might say I have a French uniform. I'm always wearing striped sailor shirts, Chanel jackets, skinny pants, ballerina flats. I have a more classic style, like Prada, and I prefer architectural pieces. I'll soon have Reed's clothing line along side his bags as well! Reed's line will launch in August.

To check out Reed's line, click here.

3. And of course we’d all love to know how you’ve designed your own home. Do you have a certain style you’ve used?

We've been collecting furniture for a long time. The look is extremely layered ranging from Louis XVI to Chippendale, Queen Anne, 40's, 70's and to Contemporary. A home is much more interesting and unique when layered, and not all purchased from the same store. People own things that they don't want to throw away and I will include them in my designs. Just like in fashion, with a favorite pair of jeans in your wardrobe, you should build upon that vs. starting from scratch.

4. Can you tell us a little bit about your latest project?

Right now, I'm working on a big townhouse on the Upper East side. They're a young family with young children so we can relate well. Their point of view is interesting in that they only want to collect art from artists that are living. We just purchased a table from the young designer Joris Laarman. He only graduated from college 2 years ago and is doing amazing things. The advantage to choosing art from artists who are alive is that they can create unique things for you. My biggest design work right now is designing Reed's new stores. (JEALOUS!!)

5. Do you have a fashion icon?

Of course it's rather cliche to say Audrey Hepburn, etc. but for me, it's women who know who they are and understand what looks good on them. You can go buy the chicest outfit on Madison Avenue and look like a page from a magazine. Women who understand their own style is my fashion icon.

Isn't she inspiring? Check out some of her designs:

Check Spelling I had to make an outfit to match the last image. I couldn't resist:

P.S. Don't forget to enter the contest for the new Cabbage & Roses book!

1 comment:

  1. So jealous of you getting an interview with Delphine! She is amazing, I remember seeing her designs in Domino! Kudos to you!
