Friday, March 26, 2010

Cabbage & Roses

I have a serious treat for you stylistas today. A wonderful reader sent me some info on a London based home and fashion company called Cabbage & Roses. Yes, that's right a company that specializes in home goods as well as apparel. You know we love that here! The images on their website are to die for:

And now you can put them on your coffee table. The founder, Christina Strutt, just released her book, At Home With Country: Bringing the Comforts of Country Home. I know, you may be thinking Country style is not for me. Oooo how wrong you are. Just check out some of these images from the book:
She even has modern country! This is my fav.

And her apparel line is right up my alley with all those striped tops! How cool would you sound if someone asked where you got your shirt. "Oh from a London based boutique". Serious fashionista credibility. Here's how I'd pair my striped Cabbage and Rose top for a summer day on our boat:

If you're like me, you have no idea how to convert pounds into dollas, so click here for Google's converter.
Oh and by the way, would you like to own her new book? I'm giving one lucky reader the chance to win one! All you have to do is make a comment on this post and you're entered. (And if you're not a follower, please do so!) The contest ends next Friday, April 2nd. Good luck!


  1. Not one to miss the opportunity for more fashion credibility- I must say that I would love to own something from here! And aren't we all a little bit country?

  2. Gorgeous! I love the scarf in the outfit you created too.

  3. Aaaaaaa. Having lived in the UK for over a decade before I moved to the US, I would be over the moon to own a reminder of the land that does country and shabby-chic so well!

    Thank you for a gorgeous giveaway.

  4. ok...i have to admit...when i first read this...i skimmed over it because it said "country"...although the pics are pretty inviting...and who doesn't need another book to add to their stash of inspiration? =)
    thanks for the give-away...

  5. This book sounds awesome! Who couldn't use a crash course in UK-country chic?! Sign me up! Living in the country means 24/7 access every summer to wild flowers, tons of antique shopping opportunities, and plenty of lazy Sunday afternoons to get decorating! This book is sure to provide the inspirational interior images I need to get excited about forging ahead with personal projects!! The images look fabulous!!!

  6. Please accept my entry. I would love to win this book!
