Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy 1 Year Anniversary!

I just realized it has been exactly one year since I started Fashionable Interiors! I'm so excited that I finally have some of you lovely fashion and interior design lovers to read what I'm writing! In celebration, I'm FINALLY posting images from my finished guest room design. I made a cardinal sin as a beginner designer and forgot to take the before pics. They were ghastly. I'm talking a bed with an ugly floral comforter and no headboard, boxes upon boxes of junk, an old entertainment center and pieces from a desk my fiance took apart and never put back together. Hopefully I've created an accurate picture. And my budget was $500. So you see the challenges I was faced with. Anyway, I'd love to know what you think!

Of course, my nosy Pom had to get in on the action. He's lucky he's so cute!


  1. that is beautiful! love the back is amazing what can be done w/$500 if thought through completely...great job!

  2. great room! I like black colour on the wall, I have one in the hall..

  3. the room looks amazing ang. :) from what your downstairs looks like i wasn't expecting the bright blacks. but i love them!! and luigi really sets it off! happy bday to you (i didn't know until today!!) and what a great time to have the anniversary right around your wonderful birthday!!!

  4. Love it! It looks so good! Your pics look so professional too :)
