Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Anya Hindmarch's Home

After posting the super sweet Anya Hindmarch python bag yesterday, I decided to post images from Anya's home. I remember when I first saw them in the Domino issue, and that's where I fell in love. I have to say, I prefer her fashion taste over her interiors, but it's great nonetheless.

How interesting is the massive task lamp in their kitchen?!

I must applaud her on achieving a white color scheme. It's so beautiful, but I know it's something I will never be able to do... Also notice the artwork propped up on the floor? That's becoming quite the trend. It aids a less fussy look to the design.

How could I leave you without some eye candy?

I've had my eyes on this baby for such a long time. It's a bit of an older style, but every now and then it pops up on Ebay.

Enjoy the AMAZING weather if you're in the Reading area!