Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome 2012

Well it's here. A new year with new beginnings. I hope you all had an amazing year end, celebrating the holidays and welcoming in the new year. 2012, for me, is probably most anticipated than years prior. 2011 was one of the toughest years I've gone through in my life. Don't get me wrong, there were many bright points, such as celebrating my one year anniversary:

Welcoming my beautiful second nephew:

Starting my business and designing projects I am so proud of:

Throwing a surprise party for my dad's retirement from 40 some odd years at the post office, working so hard to support his family:

Having gone through an illness last year I'm still recovering from that scared me like I've never been scared before, I have grown immensely as a person. You often take your health for granted and assume there will always be another day. To make a long story short, I was told I had suddenly developed migraines, then was terrified I had a brain tumor, to maybe it was a terrible sinus infection, then had a doctor suggest it was MS. Suddenly learning you need to be an advocate for your own health, I took matters into my own hands, and finally received a diagnosis of Lymes Disease. If I hadn't had my amazing husband by my side through all this craziness, I don't know what I would have done. It was even difficult for me then to accept this diagnosis since I had other doctors assure me it was this or that. I learned you need to have faith.

Since I am a strong believer in finding the bright side in anything, I have also learned to take notice to every little moment of joy and happiness, such as right now, sitting here in my warm, cozy townhome, typing away on my laptop, with my loving little pomeranian cozied up on my feet. Sometimes it takes a scare to realize how truly blessed we really are.

So here's to an amazing 2012. May Fashionable Interiors continue to bring you all the latest on interior design and fashion as well as everything in between. It's going to be a great year, I can just feel it. Cheers!


  1. I love this post! Keep blogging and best wishes for a healthy, happy 2012!
