Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bahamas Style

The hubs and I have a business trip to Orlando in February, so we're going to play hooky for a couple of days afterwards and head to the Bahamas! I'm a tad bit freaked out since we have to fly into Nassau first and then take a charter flight to this teeny tiny island. They needed to know our weights. Freaking out...

Anyway, here's the little house we rented:

And obviously, I'm already thinking about what I need to pack:
I'm planning on catching up on lots of reading. I'm super into herbal medicine and natural style foods, etc. lately, which explains the herbal kitchen book. I'll keep ya posted on what I learn ;)

The interior of the beach house looks cute, but oh boy, if it was mine in the Bahamas with its notorious bright saturated colors, I'd go nuts.

And I'd totally be scootin around the island in this bad boy:

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