Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Random Chatter

I have so much to chat about! So I went to ny last weekend, and never shared my pics. Also, finally got my new website up, even though I'm still working out some kinks. Check it out and let me know what you think! Here's some pics I snapped with my iPhone in nyc:

Holy crappers was Eataly friggin expensive, though. I paid $12 for 6 blood oranges. I ate two in one sitting, but that's beside the point...It's definitely worth the experience, though. Those strange looking clams in the pic are called razor clams. Didn't even know they came in razor shaped, but they were delic!

Also, I got to check out C Wonder. If you read the latest issue of Lonny, they did some great coverage on the new store. It is so cool inside. The place is really very cutting edge with their handheld check out devices and the amazing computers they have in the dressing rooms. Here's some pics from the article:

They told me their online shopping site was supposed to launch on Black Friday, but I'm not seeing it?

Anyway, I also got to stand in line at Laduree for the world renowned macaroons. The inside isn't nearly as gorgeous as the ones in Paris, but the macaroons were still just as delic. That's me standing in line (with my Zara shopping bag. Love that store):
On a random side note, I have been dying to try this sock bun forever now, and I think my hair is finally getting to the length where I can pull it off. The curls this method promises if you sleep in it overnight are amazing! Check out my sock bun (which is already falling out a little since my hair is just a smidge too short, which in turn makes it look a teeny bit lopsided)

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