Thursday, November 10, 2011

High Low Find

I've always loved this brass helmet lamp since I saw it in Domino a few years back:

Then a little while ago, I found it! It's by Ralph Lauren Home (obvi) and only $609 out of my savings account, and it could be mine! Yea, not happening...

And then it happened. Strolling the aisles of T.J. Maxx, I almost screamed out loud in the store. Here she is. My very own version for only $34.99. I'm considering spray painting it a shiny brass since it's more of a dulled down gold, but I'm scared I'll ruin it. IN YO FACE RALPHY! (Just kidding, I still love you and think you're an excellent designer. Had to put that sidenote ya know just in case Ralph Lauren reads my blog)