Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Nate Berkus Show

I'm ashamed. I'm so ashamed. How is it that I have had the very first episode of the Nate Berkus show in my DVR unwatched and have not seen one episode since. I was cleaing out the ol' DVR last night (with movies/shows from 2008 might I add) and saw I had recorded it. HELLO!!!! How am I missing this on a daily basis??? I am so watching it today at 2 pm in my office (shhhh) because super cute Rachel Roy will be on discussing trendy accessories.

By the way, did you see her cute bedroom featured in House Beautiful?

And tomorrow's episode is all about my obsession, Mad Men. By the way, next Friday my besty is having a Mad Men themed party. SO excited to sport some 60s chic fashion.

1 comment:

  1. I too am ashamed that I've only seen one episode of Nate's show. I love him and his design aesthetic. Really kicking myself that I missed Rachel Roy's appearance. She is totally amazing. Btw, great blog! I can't wait to browse through more of it.
