Friday, November 5, 2010

Bonjour, Bonjour

Remember me? Yes, I am a married old lady now and couldn't be happier! I haven't shared my photos from the honeymoon, yet, and of course I had to share some of my faves with my beloved readers first...
Despite the fact that Paris was FREEZING for October and there were strikes/bomb threats galore, I fell in love with this city. People watching at the cafes were amazing and every little cafe you went into was so well decorated. I ate croissants and nutella crepes like it was my job; however dinner was another story. Next time I go, hopefully I'll be a little more acquainted with the food. And the flea markets!!! That is what my heaven will be like.

The women really are definitely something to marvel at. I should have at my door today All You Need to Be Impossibly French from my best friend, Amazon. Has anyone read it yet? I'm devouring it this weekend.

I'll be posting Tuscany next week! (and wedding pictures will take awhile, but I promise to share those as soon as I get them!) Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. VERY VERY nice pics!

    M. Stamy <3

  2. Congrats! Paris is just so amazing- what a lovely honeymoon spot! and Italy...cannot wait to see those pics :)

  3. congratulations nice pictures! You are so happy!

  4. Thanks everyone! Missed you guys :)
