Monday, August 16, 2010


I read an old issue of Glamour recently and read a great piece of advice that made me think hellloo why did I not think of this before?? It was a little blurb on how to dress, etc. and the one that stuck with me was if you like an outfit and it looks good on you, repeat, repeat, repeat. Some of you may read that and be like yea duh, but for me it was like a revolution. You know those days where you're like I really love the outfit I have on, and then other days you're like meh, it's ok. Learn what you did that day you loved the outfit and repeat it in some way, shape, or form every day. So simple, but makes a ton of sense, no?

Anyway, enough of my ranting. Have you noticed Fall is on the horizon? I have because my life has been consumed with wedding talk leading up to the last 8 weeks before the big day. So yes, this Fall will be extra special for me, but regardless I looooove it more than any other time of year. With Fall comes boots and scarves and trenches and my personal favorite, layering. It really is an art, and believe me, you could end up looking like a crazy bag lady faster than you can say, "I love my 20 cats". Check out how well Banana Republic has done with their styling for Fall. I'm really loving their collection for the season:

Layering for a room has the same concept as putting together an outfit. Layering pillows and rugs on top of one another add such a more pleasing look to the eye. But again, take it easy or else the room will end up looking messy. Check out these interiors below for some great inspiration:
The layering concept can also be applied to a bookcase. It's all about adding extra dimensions:
And adding multiple layers to a bed makes it feel like a hotel:

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to see that strip blouse!! Actually, my post today is about stripes on fashion and decor. I love stripes....
    Beautiful images.
