Monday, May 3, 2010

Florals and Stripes

Hello! Hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was filled with shopping adventures that I'll be sure to fill you in on later this week. I didn't get a chance to bust out the cam and fill you in on all my goodies.

And now for today's topic,  I've been seriously attracted to pairing florals and stripes together lately. If you refer to my How to Mix Patterns post back in January, there's some tips on how to combine different prints so it doesn't look like you're 5 again. (P.S. Wasn't that awesome when you were a kid?? You could wear whatever you pleased and no one even gave you a second glance. I feel like that's not the same anymore for children today, which is a whole other topic...)

Image from F21 a bit ago, but still some great inspiration:
Image from All About You

This is the image that really got my wheels turning on the subject. Katie Lee in Lonny:
That skirt is from J.Crew and it was just on sale. Sad for me, it's out of stock. I did manage to pick up the scarf this weekend, though and made it work in my own way:

Ok one more, then we will move on to interiors. I found this super cute girl on the site Weardrobe. She has the cutest blog called This Time Tomorrow and I looove her sense of style. Check out her interpretation of florals and stripes:
Almost makes me want to do laundry:
Here's a great subtle way to take on this trend. The floral pillow with the striped chair adds an element of interest to the space:
And a cute bedding option:


  1. Obviously impressed my dear! I love the new scarf- sorry the skirt wasn't available! You look fabulous!

  2. Thanks Amanda! Probably best the skirt wasn't there, otherwise I would have spent even more!

  3. Stripes with a floral skirt is such an interesting approach! I am totally in love with Katie Lee's outfit...
