Wednesday, April 21, 2010

High Point Reviews

Ciao readers! I missed you guys! High Point was amazing and I was so glad I made the trek down there to experience it. The resources I've discovered are invaluable. And, not one to keep secrets (unless it's an important one) here are just a few:

This first showroom was from a pillow designer based out of Brooklyn. (even the pillows are made there) Her name is Aviva Stanoff. She uses actual objects to press in the pillows, like baby's breath, coral, and ostrich feathers. Extremely unique and beautiful and I really loved the way she set up the showroom.

Next is a company from California called Bliss Studio. A major trend I noticed throughout the whole show was the use of sea-inspired decor. Their booth was all about it, and they even had fishing nets draped throughout the display. I loooooved it:

Julian Chichester's booth was breathtaking. I was beyond impressed at the look they accomplished in a temporary showroom (sorry, I used my iPhone, so the pics aren't the best)

One of my favorites, Regina Andrew, had every detail perfect, including the awesome wood flooring they used. I wanted EVERYTHING in there:

And one of the last I have images for (a friggin cold decided now would be the best time to rear it's ugly head, so I was dragging throughout the show) is a company called Revco International. I wanted all the accessories in their display, but found out it was only the furniture that was for sale.

I still have a TON of business cards and catalogs to sift through, so I'll keep you posted on the other great designers I've found. Going to High Point really solidified my decision to open Tendenza Fashion & Interiors. Has anyone else gone before?

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