Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Charming Cameos

There really is something so charming about a cameo. I absolutely love the idea of decorating with them in the home. Like this cute vignette. The cameo artwork manages to be contemporary regardless of its vintage roots:

This person seriously loves pink. The cameo pillows add the perfect girly touch:

What a fun accent wallpaper:
The classic cameo chair:
A Yarnz cameo print scarf is so chic:
I like when cameo jewelry is used in a non-traditional way, like this piece from Saks. It's the perfect amount of juxtaposition from the dainty charm and the chunky chain:
I found this vendor on the streets of NYC and regretted not purchashing the clock pendant. I used my bloodhound instincts for shopping and found them online:

1 comment:

  1. when i saw your title...i smiled...cameos evoke such warmth for me...never seen them placed in room beautiful! and i'm thinking i need that necklace from the ny vendor...hmmm...
