Friday, March 5, 2010

Fashion Week: Day 5

As we wrap up Fashion Week here on Fashionable Interiors, I felt it was only appropriate to include a top fav of mine, Michael Kors. I always seem to be partial to a designer's collection when the designer has established a relationship with its consumer. I feel like I know the man. Watching him on Project Runway is hilarious. He's let people into his home to see how he lives, which I of course will be posting at a later date. His collections are always relatable, yet fresh. This review of the collection was hilarious: If you left the tents not longing for a piece of all that—or, at the very least, not wanting his easy, extravagant shredded silver-fox anorak (the model wore it with the hood up)—then perhaps you'd be happier living in a monastery or commune.

P.S. Look at these windows!!! To die for...
Thanks to everyone who tuned in this week, of course there are tons of other great collections for Fall 2010, but a girl can only match so many interiors! Next week's agenda: Some favorite designers' personal homes and what I've been waiting to reveal forever, my completed guest room design. Have a great weekend!

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