Friday, November 6, 2009

Ruffles Galore

Ah, the old ruffles debate. Some people embrace them with all their hearts, while others would enjoy nothing more than burning anything that even resembles the gathering of fabric. J.Crew has been in love with them for multiple seasons, so can you guess what my opinion is on them? Yea, I got ruffles flowing outta my closet. So this trend has got me thinking, what options are out there for incorporating them into your interior designs? Check em out:

I remember when Pier1 came out with these pillows, I fell in love: (Note: I do not suggest putting these on your sofas if you live with a male as he will not appreciate their delicate look and will use them as if they were a bed pillow).
This is going to send chills down your spine. A ruffle chair. No, I'm not kidding, this is a real thing. By Swedish designer Fredrik Farg, I want one in every room of my house:

Finally, look how awesome this foyer is. So clean and simple, but the architectural elements add the punch it needs. But, wait is that a ruffle I detect in that pendant light? Awesome.
Now, I may potentially need a whole other entry to discuss ruffles of the fashion world. I'll try to restrain myself. In the interest of time, I've just made entire J.Crew ruffles collages, complete with the garment's names. How else was I going to get all the ruffle options across to you? (and these aren't even all the options!) The best way to wear ruffles without looking 5; pair it with boyfriend jeans or anything structured, like a blazer. Anything menswear helps to counteract the girliness. P.S. There is no need to inform me of my crazy J.Crew obsession, I am well aware.

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