Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Fashionable Life: Max and Lubov Azria

An interior designer's dream; the June issue of Harper's Bazaar featured Max and Lubov Azria's home and let me tell you there's about 8 different kinds of interior design styles goin on in this house, but it works so seamlessly. I think if you're a fashion designer, you're pretty much expected to have a well decorated home, but this is beyond words for how beautiful it is. The image below (with a pillow I'd love for me Andrea!) almost has a vintage look to it with the chairs. However if you really look at the image, it has a contemporary feel to it, as well. This room is mostly contemporary vs. the room above with some contemporary accents.
Holy moley, check out this foyer. How does one even have something so awesome? A waterfall sculpture?? Amazing. I also love that canopied wing chair, anyone know where I can find an inexpensive one?
Seriously, all these rooms are in the same house. The one below does a beautiful job of marrying yellow and black, while still being tasteful. (I have a great black and yellow outfit/room combo I'll post at a later date.)
To check out the rest of the house, and read Max's inspiration, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Ciao Marlow. Dove abita in Italia? Parlo italiano un poco. Ho famiglia in Italia. Grazie per il tuo commento! Ciao!
