Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pops of Red

Oh how I love the color red. I can't seem to get enough of it lately, evidenced by my red pants I keep wearing (and get a lot of stares for since I live in a town that's not exactly at the height of fashion). I especially love red when all other colors it's paired with are neutrals, allowing this color to command some serious attention:

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Girly Bows

I saw these Valentino pumps while shopping this weekend and cannot get them out of my mind. The sales girl had a green pair on, and they were the cutest things I think I've ever seen. Hmm... I may just have to splurge on these guys.

 And why not throw in a pillow to match? Want to make one? Click here for a tutorial.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Navy Kitchen

Check out my Facebook to weigh in on your opinion of this navy kitchen!

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Monday, August 8, 2011

On My Wish List

WARNING: some of the items included below are for Fall. Do not be upset with me when I say I am more than ready for the season to start. I absolutely l-o-v-e Fall!! Just got my gray mani yesterday, too. My hubster and I are thinking of going somewhere in New England to celebrate our upcoming one year anniversary in October, but I have no idea where to go. I'd like to be near a beach/harbor, just because, and also near some fun antique shops and maybe a winery or two. Any suggestions??

Anyway, here is my current wish list:

1. Love, love, love this Fossil clutch. They also have it in plain leather colors, too.
2. The Perfectly Imperfect Home by Deborah Needleman, a former Domino staff member, is due out November 1st, and I'm definitely pre-ordering it. Apartment Therapy just featured a sneak peek.
3. The Help - I'm for sure setting up a girls' date to see this! I read the book forever ago, so I'm really anxious to see how the movie translates.
4. Sorrelli's new fall line is out and it is gorgeous. I can't wait to wear this stunner.
5. I love when a huge parmigiano wheel is carved out and used to serve grated cheese, so naturally, I freaked when I saw this faux Pottery Barn version.
6. I'm in need of a new pair of flat chocolate leather boots for Fall. My old ones have had their day in the sun, so it's time. I think I'll finally invest in a Frye pair.
7. A leather skirt is a must on my Fall shopping list. I have a black leather pencil skirt and have really wanted a caramel colored one, but this short pleated version is calling my name. Any idea where I could find one?
8. Laduree is opening in NYC!!! It was supposed to open in July, but I haven't heard anything?? I'm going there next Monday for the NYC Gift Show, so it better be up and running...

By the way, have you been watching HGTV Design Star? Do you have a fave yet? I kind of like Karl. I loved what he did last week with the subtle beach painting on the wall. Very cool. Did you happen to catch the show afterwards? It was a sneak peek of a new show called The High Low Project. The next episode will be on in September, but it was an awesome show! I loved it. She goes into homes and designs a room in the family's house, but it costs like a bajillion dollars. Then she redesigns it to look almost the same for WAY less. At first, I was like wow that sucks.  "Here is this amazing room, family, but you can't keep it unless you sell your first born child!" But she did an amazing job at redesigning it to look the same.

Enjoy the rest of your Monday!
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Friday, August 5, 2011

Purple Geodes

How awesome is this idea to fill a non-working fireplace:

And the perfect pair of earrings to match:

Have a great weekend! Mine will be filled with working on my design jobs!
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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mirror Lust

I have so many blog posts on my mind lately, but no time to get them together!! I do, however, have an amazing mirror for you to feast your eyes on. Check out THIS. The Porcupine Quill Mirror by Horchow. I would love to hang this bad boy in my house or a client's for a serious statement piece. Forking over the $700 required to purchase it may be the difficult part...

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Fashionable Interior

I'm still in beach mode with the nautical stripes going on. And how badly do you want that girl's clutch??

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy Monday!

So Mondays like this are probably the least happiest (it's my first day back to work from vacation), but I'm trying to be optimistic about it and pretend this is my breakfast and the scene I am about to enjoy it upon.

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