Friday, April 19, 2013

Maternity Photo Session

Last month, we had the amazing Maria Stamy Photography take our maternity photos and we couldn't be happier with the gorgeous outcome! She did such a great job and I can't wait to hang one in Lorenzo's nursery!

I'm working on the baby shower post, so check back next week! Have a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Letters to Lorenzo

Well little guy, the countdown has begun. Everyone is anxiously waiting to see your beautiful teeny face! Minus starting to feel a little uncomfortable from carrying around your little 6 lb body, you could not have made my pregnancy easier. Let's just hope you're keen on making our lives easier when you come out, too :) Here you are in my belly the last month!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

House Progress: Part III

Well, we have concrete footers at our house! Woo hoo! I am beyond excited that we have finally started making progress in our little clump of woods. I've been doing my best to plan the design of each room. All I have left is the dining space and I think I've planned almost every little nook in our home. Now it's just a matter of ordering all the products so we don't delay construction. That's going to be super fun with a newborn!

Anyway, here's the design for our master bedroom. I'm planning on using the Phillip Jeffries studded wallpaper as the accent wall behind the bed. I also really want to do something interesting on the ceiling. I'm not sure if I'll save it for the dining room or if I should do it in our bedroom (or both). My friend's husband recently did an amazing designed tray ceiling in their master bedroom which has me itching to do the same thing. I'm in love with this gorgeous quatrefoil design trimwork:


If we did a similar design on our ceiling to echo the design in the accent rug, that would be amazeballs:

I like the idea of using creams to create a serene environment. And obviously I can't resist throwing in a few black accents. CANNOT WAIT!

P.S. Make your donations to the victims of Boston here. Every little bit counts. Show whoever did this senseless act that there are still more good out there than evil.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Chic Mama Looks

I refuse to dress frumpy just because I will have a newborn baby. It's been hard enough this last month trading in my heels for flats, but it was a necessity I was willing to accept since we're getting closer to meeting our little guy. Here are some cute outfits I'll be relying on:

                                                                          - WEEKEND-

Mama Weekend Look

 - DAY -
Momma-To-Be Outfit

Btw, I feel so on trend with my Sophie the Giraffe toys.


Night Out
I'm totally still having date nights. With heels. Probably not right away...

Monday, April 1, 2013

Life Lately

Goodness me do I have a lot to catch up on! How is it April?? Instead of writing a plethora of excuses for my lack of posts, let's just dig right in, shall we?

I'm super excited for a local magazine I write for to print their May issue. I wrote and styled a piece for maternity fashion and had a great time doing it!

Bought some goodies for Lorenzo's nautical themed nursery (can you believe that lamp was only $40! Marshall's is my BFF):

I used a gift card I received for Christmas to get a makeup lesson and finally purchase a real woman makeup wardrobe. Goodbye Wet n' Wild, it's been real...

Ate blood oranges by the bag full. Mixed in a salad with goat cheese, they are amazeballs:

Went to a fun fancy social gathering our area's young professionals throw every year. It was interesting looking for something dressy for the bump, but I managed to squeeze myself in a non-maternity dress I can use afterwards:

I had a lovely birthday filled with lots of goodies:

And cannot stop purchasing fresh flowers for Spring!

The belly just keeps on growing, but I love finding ways to dress it:

And I had my baby shower! More photos to come:

It was a nautical themed shower and these were the favors. They were called Make a Wish Charm and requested the guests to make a wish for baby Lorenzo the first time they put it on:

Spring brights! (ring from Sorrelli)

And had a lovely Easter with my new Old Navy boucle jacket. Inspired by Parisian 50s style, says the tag. Loving that:

I hope to keep the blog more up to date this month, but it's crunch time! Only 5 weeks until we get to finally meet our little guy. We have a maternity photo session this weekend and getting everything put together for Lorenzo's arrival.

House progress has been a little s-l-o-w as we are waiting for the township to finish approving our permits, but that hasn't stopped me from designing every inch of space. Master bedroom design coming soon!

Before I go, I must fill you in on The Skimm, the best daily newsletter ever. I know, who wants another email in their inbox everyday, but this is one you need. It covers, very quickly and with a dose of humor, all major things happening in the world each day. I for one despise watching the news and have zero time to visit news websites so this is perfect for me. Especially once the baby comes and all I'll have time to focus on is the number of bowel movements he made that day.

Hope you're enjoying your April Fool's Day! (I thought it would be funny to play a joke on my family/husband that I was going into labor, but was fearful of a boy who cried wolf sitch being the result and decided against it...)